Why so many books?
Same hook, different bait!
S'all it is.
yes i know the standard answer - they want to sell books but hang on a minute.. .
something that has always bothered me is that the average jw is incapable of explaining some of the most basic teachings without a wt book in hand.
after all those years, all that time, all those meetings, why is it so hard to understand and teach to someone else?
Why so many books?
Same hook, different bait!
S'all it is.
name responsibilities that sisters could have had at the hall, that doesn't go against bible principles?.
why couldn't they have passed the microphone?
In the congregation I attended the sisters were especially subservient. When we were leaving the hall after the meeting for service I noticed that the lights in the hall were on. I asked the sister who was the last one out why she didn't turn the lights out. Her reply? "The brothers don't let us do that." OMG, I was mortified. I told her that there were not scriptures prohibiting women from turning off the lights in the Hall so please feel free to turn them off when you leave.
This made me realize that I was supporting a very archaic and stupid mindset.
song 54.
5 min: local announcements.. 20 min: "help others to become 'obedient from the heart.
'" * as time permits, invite audience to comment on the cited scriptures.. 20 min: making jehovah's heart rejoice.
Song 54 We Must Be Holy, When People Are Watching
5 min: Local pronouncements.
20 min: "Help Others to Become 'Subservient From the Start.'" * As time permits, compel audience to comment on the cited scriptures.
20 min: Making Jehovah's Heart Rejoice. (Prov. 27:11) Interview two or three long-time faithful servants of Jehovah. Invite each to relate one or two things that have helped them to maintain their subservience to Corporation. Among the things that might be mentioned are negligent personal Bible study, uninterrupted, regular meeting attendance, (not hindered by terminal cancer or a cold), association with other loyal ones (who don’t report all the income from their janitorial empire), whole-souled participating in the field ministry (driving around collecting address of people who are not home because they have a real job and life), heartfelt prayer (in a restaurant but never at home), and avoiding unwholesome entertainment (while secretly watching R rated movies). What tests of subservience did they face, and how did they meet those tests successfully? How have they been blessed for their obedience? (a new book bag as a gift from their family on “Gift” day? Instead of “Christmas”?)
Song 170 Let God Be Found True According to the Corporation and concluding prayer.
* Limit introductory comments to some trite personal story that everyone has heard a hundred times before, you unimaginative moron, and follow with a question-and-answer defecation.
bad news.... nipsey russell has died after a long battle with cancer.. for those of you who remember nipsey played a detective on the tv series car 54... where are you?
and made numerous appearances on tv shows and game shows in the 60's 70's and 80's.. he was known for his poetic gift and always had a joke for the cameras.. he will be sorely missed.
Sorry to hear of his passing, but thought he was a marginal entertainer and quite irritating. Didn't do anything but gameshows, a monumental waste of time.
o.k so i am living the "double life" i suppose.
but its funny how sometimes i still catch myself doing or saying things that only a "really spiritual" preason would.
like the other day when i saw a cute tank top on sale but it said "libra" on it.
Let's see:
I don't backstab people. I don't go around as an enforcer of WT laws. I don't promise to visit people I haven't seen in awhile knowing all al ong that they are spiritually weak and there's no chance in hell I'll be over. I don't show up with my WT studied in four colors with notes everywhere trying to answer every answer to show I'm studied. I don't think my neighbors will be the mulch in my "Victory" garden after armaggedidoo.
Ok, I still have trouble with the Xmas songs running through my head.
have you ever wondered, based upon the artists conception below, how it is jehovah will supposedly "save" the witnesses during his "great day of vengeance(tm)".
i mean, will he transport all 6 million of them into waiting cruise ships while he is throwing fireballs onto the earth?
how will all the dubs avoid falling into those giant crevasses as he starts the continental earthquakes?
Tupperware my friends, Tupperware!
It's the only logical answer. Each witness will be directed to buy giant tupperware and seal up before the firestorm begins. That's what the District Conventions are for, to tell everyone when to climb in and burp the suckers to seal in righteousness!
i go this idea from simons post on bob dylan's documentary.. my first choice would be..... joan baez.... she had the most beautiful voice, and with her excellent guitar picking, didn't need any backup music or singers.. next would be ...peter, paul and mary.
they could really harmonize magnificeintly.. what are your favorites?.
The Chad Mitchell Trio
THey were awesome.
i never was a jw, went to kh a few times as a teenager, didnt feel comfortable with the things said, alot of my associates as an adult were brought up witnesses, but ya know, were pretty much disowned by their families as adults because they chose not to be jw's.. my husband is a d'fed jw, i knew he had been a jw, but it didnt even cross my mind that he would go back to them..
well, a couple of months after we were married ( around september of last year) this guy started calling our home asking him i guess to come to the kh.
i flipped out, i started not talking to him, i was very emotionally distraught over this matter, and then i went from being sad to damn mad, and i would just ignore him, because in my mind i saw this as as something that will break up my marriage (my feelings on that havent changed) while searching the internet trying to find things to change his mind about this religion something great happened, i started reading the bible and just in general started to feel better as a person myself and how it was ok for me to feel how i felt, because i felt like i was bamboozled because as much as i love my husband, i would have thought differently about marriage if i knew he was going to become a witness again.
Good question: "Is it the JW way to make everyone feel non-important, or that you are not allowed to be an individual...??"
Things are much more subtle than you think. They make you feel non-important by emphasizing Jehovah's Organization above you. God is in control, so let him. All wrongs will be righted in time. Be patient. Suck up. Hurt. Wait. Get screwed by the only people allowed to be imperfect even though they KNOW BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE the importance of being "Righteous". The short answer is, make Jehovah happy by suppressing your individuality. This makes you precious in the eyes of the Lord, not using the brain he gave you.
Have a healthy baby and don't let the little one grow up under the grip of this personality crippling organization. Go to a few meetings and ask questions of them, the NGO etc. The one I love to ask is, "If I am not a baptized witness and I attend all the meetings, will Jehovah still destroy me?" Make them answer. If they say, "I don't know" then you have a green light to say, "Hmmm, maybe it doesn't matter then if I go to all the meetings, Jehovah knows my heart." or if they say "Yes", then you can say, "Hmmm, I thought it was christ's sacrafice that brings a clean standing, declared righteous for survival. Does meeting attendance bring righteousness before God?" See what the robots say? "Its works of faith that bring righteousness." They'll say. I ask, "Who judges those works and who decides what they are?" man you'll be opening the can of worms there. Try to do so in a calm reasonable, nonargumentative manner. You can do it.
After baby bee is bouncing in the bassenit.
in the other thread i started, http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/10/98474/1.ashx, it is shown that charles taze russell obtained measurements critical for his obtaining significant prophetic dates from the great pyramid, such as the year he believed jesus returned (1874), by measuring line figures in a diagram from a book written by pyramid expert dr piazzi smyth!
it is now apparent that russell did more than that!
ct russell actually made up a critical measurement number from the pyramid that he used in his calculation!
Here ya go Russell,
beat this!
666 (Which is the number of the Anti-Christ)
There is something very sinister about this. 666 is exactly 2.138 times the height of the pyramid of Cheops and if we multiply the height of the pyramid by 3.36 million, we get the EXACT, let me repeat that - EXACT - distance to the moon.
This next part is much more than mere coincidence: if you drop the zeros off 3.36 million and then add the first 3 to the 36, you get a figure which is EXACTLY equal to the age that Bill Gates would have been on his 39th birthday.
This provides CONCLUSIVE proof that Bill Gates is either an extraterrestrial or a pyramid.
Found this on line somewhere. The truth is out there!
Pyramids, schmeeramids.....
personally i don't condemn this outright, but feel the couple should have input if it is to succeed.
any thoughts anyone??
Would you want a deranged one?